The goal of the Prince George Gymnastics Club is to provide children the opportunity to develop basic gymnastics skills in a FUN and controlled environment. The CANGYM Program is developed through the Canadian Gymnastics Federation, which has 12 colour levels in which your child can challenge themselves throughout the year.

  • For children 5 to 16 years
  • Age as of December 31, 2024
  • Work skills in the CANGYM program at own pace
  • Children start in Burgundy badges and progress through Gold


LEVEL 1 - Girls and boys will work on skills for BURGUNDY (Badge #1) and RED (Badge #2) badges.

  • 1 hour/week
  • age groups: 5-6yrs, 7-9yrs, 10 & older
  • Prices vary depending on # of weeks in session, plus an annual $64.00 fee
  • No pre-requisite
  • Must master all skills to move onto next badge


LEVEL 2 – Girls and boys will work on skills for TAN (Badge #3) and BRONZE (Badge #4) badges.

  • 1.5 hours/week
  • age groups: 6-8yrs, 9 & older
  • Prices vary depending on # of weeks in session, plus an annual $64.00 fee
  • Pre-requisite: Completion of Red Badge
  • Must master all skills to move onto next badge

*We also offer a BOYS only class for Level 2.

*Skills vary for boys and girls onward

LEVEL 3+ GIRLS – Participants will work on skills for PURPLE WAG (Badge #5), BLUE WAG (Badge #6),

TURQUOISE WAG (Badge #7), SILVER WAG (Badge #8), ORANGE WAG (Badge #9),

YELLOW WAG (Badge #10), GREEN WAG (Badge #11), AND GOLD WAG (Badge #12) badges.

(WAG - Women's Artistic Gymnastics)

  • 2 hours once a week
  • Prices vary depending on # of weeks in session, plus an annual $64.00 fee
  • Pre-requisite: Completion of Previous Badge
  • (Purple, Blue, Turquoise, and Silver Badges) must successfully master 85% of the skills (17 out of 20), with a maximum of one unsuccessful skill per apparatus
  • For Silver badge participant must also perform a mini-routine on each event containing 5 to 6 'Tan to Silver' level skills
  • (Orange, Yellow, Green, and Gold Badges) must be able to successfully master the minimum number of required skills per apparatus (included on the Evaluation Sheet)  
  • For the Gold badge the participant must also perform a mini-routine on each event containing 5 to 6 'Turquoise to Gold' level skills


LEVEL 3+ BOYS – Participants will work on skills for PURPLE MAG (Badge #5), BLUE MAG (Badge #6),

TURQUOISE MAG (Badge #7), SILVER MAG (Badge #8), ORANGE MAG (Badge #9),

YELLOW MAG (Badge #10), GREEN MAG (Badge #11), AND GOLD MAG (Badge #12) badges.

(MAG - Men's Artistic Gymnastics)

  • 2 hours once a week
  • Prices vary depending on # of weeks in session, plus an annual $64.00 fee
  • Pre-requisite: Completion of Previous Badge
  • (Purple, Blue, Turquoise, and Silver Badges) must successfully master 85% of the skills (17 out of 20), with a maximum of one unsuccessful skill per apparatus
  • For Silver badge participant must also perform a mini-routine on each event containing 5 to 6 'Tan to Silver' level skills
  • (Orange, Yellow, Green, and Gold Badges) must be able to successfully master the minimum number of required skills per apparatus (included on the Evaluation Sheet)  
  • For the Gold badge the participant must also perform a mini-routine on each event containing 5 to 6 'Turquoise to Gold' level skills

** if a skill is blank the coach has not evaluated them on it yet


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Please note when you click the above link classes will only appear if spots are available.
Please see our homepage for upcoming registration dates.




4175 18th Avenue
UNIT #120
Prince George, BC V2N 0G7

Office Phone: (250) 564-7343
Coaches Phone: (250) 564-7383
Fax: (250) 564-7345